Thursday 23 January 2014

Poor Little Match Selling Girl...!!!

Once upon a time...a little girl tried to make a living by selling matches in the street.

It was New Year's Eve and the snow-clad streets were deserted. From brightly lit windows came the tinkle of laughter and the sound of singing. People were getting ready to bring in the New Year. But the poor little matchseller sat sadly beside the fountain. Her ragged dress and worn shawl did not keep out the cold and she tried tokeep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground.

She hadn't sold one box of matches all day and she was frightened to go home, for her father would certainly be angry. It wouldn't be much warmer anyway, in the draughty attic that was her home. The little girl's fingers were stiff with cold. If only she could light a match! But what would her father say it such a waste!

Falteringly she took out a match and lit it. What a nice warm flame! The little matchseller cupped her hand over it, and as she did so, she magically saw in its light a big brightly burning stove. She held out her hands to the heat, but just then the match went out and the vision faded. The night seemed blacker than before and it was getting colder. A shiver ran through the little girl's thin body.

After hesitating for a long time, she struck another match on the wall, and this time, the glimmer turned the wall into a great sheet of crystal. Beyond that stood a fine table laden with food and lit by a candlestick.

Holding out her arms towards the plates, the little matchseller seemed to pass through the glass, but then the match went out and the magic faded. Poor thing. In just a few seconds she had caught a glimpse of everything that life had denied her - warmth and good things to eat. Her eyes filled with tears and she lifted her gaze to the lit windows, praying that she too might know a little of such happiness.

She lit the third match and an even more wonderful thing happened. There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles, glittering with tinsel and colored balls.

"Oh, how lovely!" exclaimed the little matchseller, holding up the match.
Then, the match burned her finger and flickered out. The light from the Christmas candles rose higher and higher,then one of the lights fell, leaving a trail behind it.

"Someone is dying," murmured the little girl, as she remembered her beloved Granny who used to say: "When astar falls, a heart stops beating!"

Scarcely aware of what she was doing, the little matchseller lit another match. This time, she saw her grandmother.
"Granny, stay with me!" she pleaded, as she lit one match after the other, so that her grandmother could not disappear like all the other visions.

However, Granny did not vanish, but gazed smilingly at her. Then she opened her arms and the little girl hugged her crying: "Granny, take me away with you!"

A cold day dawned and a pale sun shone on the fountain and the icy road. Close by lay the lifeless body of a little girl surrounded by spent matches.

"Poor little thing!" exclaimed the passersby. "She was trying to keep warm!"

But by that time, the little matchseller was far away where there is neither cold, hunger, nor pain.

By Hans Christian Andersen

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Love And Save The Girl Child--Angels On Earth

All i want 
is to bloom like a small flower 
in this beautiful garden! 
All i want 
is to shine like a dew drop 
in this winter morning! 
All i want 
is to live under this beautiful sky 
All i want  
is the right to breathe 
like my luckier brother. 
All i want 
is my mother's warmth 
in this cold world. 
All i want 
is your arms to protect me. 
But when those protective arms 
became blood stained! 
My faint cries echoed 
"All i want 
is the right to live! live ! live!" 

A Beautiful Poem By Saswat Mishra

Tuesday 21 January 2014

An Easy and Most Exciting Source of Boundless Entertainment

Man can't live without excitement. It's a method for diverting himself in his relaxation time. Amusement might be uninvolved, for example, viewing a film or musical drama, or dynamic, for example, diversion or games. Games are a dynamic type of stimulation that gives unwinding and redirection. With the advancement of workstation advances and web, online games have turned into the most prominent method for amusement around people incorporating kids.

Online games are played utilizing workstation system. They are basically free and empower the players to appreciate their time without any expense. These stuff range from straightforward content based games to those that incorporate illustrations. There are single player and multi-player online games. Single player online games are played by a solitary individual for his diversion while a multi-player requisition is played by a ton of people making an online neighborhood. This serves as a stage for social association.

Online games are sorted consistent with groupings dependent upon their stage, distributor, date, character of establishment, characteristic, area, class, innovation, permit, gathering et cetera. The most mainstream sorts of online games go under the characterization dependent upon class.
The greater part of them is free and it needs just access of web. It might be played by people of all ages. There are online games for kids too. This empower in their taking in system and in their developmental fitting.

Online games like Truck Games, first person Shooting Games, sports games like cricket and Football Games and most best games of online gaming universe online Car Games are the real fun and excitement for the people of all the ages. Thrill and adventures hidden in them can bring great amusement for the people all over the globe.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Learn Dressing Up With Little Dora

Any guardian will be well cognizant that child's games go in crazes. Not long from now super hit looks set to be Dora dress up games, which are now flooding safe gaming sites with an assemblage of fun approaches to play dress up! Exceptionally respected gaming gateway 'Glitter Games', for instance, has as of recently 15 divide Dora games on its books, and each one of them is a huge amount of fun for the young ladies who get to play them.

While a large portion of the games characteristic Dora herself, there is one or two were lucky women get to dress up Dora's friend Diego. Playing Diego dress up handles that age old issue for the young ladies – you discover your ideal kid however he's a sad dresser! Help Dora, help Diego get the right look and you'll see why Dora dress up games is as mainstream as of recently.

Dora games has more than enough incredible wardrobe games to play as well. There are Dora games that ask the player to help Dora get prepared for the seashore; for a gathering; for an opening: or even to be her best shopping bud while she goes on an occasion using spree.

The games are fun, pure and incredible for children to impart to one another. They're facilitated on secure sites that don't have any manifestation of talk room or cooperation with individuals that the kids can't see. All games on the sites have totally age fitting substance and are themed for young men and young ladies.

Folks are huge aficionados of Dora dress up games, and their ilk, for the explanations illustrated previously. Sites that have dress up games and dress up games let their kids play online in security and in a controlled dress up. Discover your ideal site and store it as a top pick – then there'll dependably be something for the kids to do and you won't need to stress over not knowing who they are gathering and welcome online.

A portion of the most fun Dora games is the ones that put the widely adored doll in somewhat bizarre circumstances. The "Mermaid" Dora dress up game is perfect. Dora has transformed into a mermaid and, obviously, being new to the planet submerged she has literally nothing suitable to wear. Children can help her outline an entire new submerged wardrobe so she gets to gaze incredible toward each one of the aforementioned undersea discos.

There are delightful varieties on the dress up subject as well. Dora Makeup lets kids hone their early abilities for makeup imaginativeness on Dora's pretty face. The game is straightforward and load and gets kids to explore different avenues regarding makeup without their folks needing to clean the genuine stuff off the parlor divider!

The Dora dress up game is now an ensured hot hit. There will undoubtedly be a greater amount of them turning out through the following not many months, so keep your eyes peeled for new ones to add to the gathering. The children will love all the Dora adventure games.

Friday 10 January 2014

About Little Dora-Her Cute Adventures and Sweet Actions. What Kids Learn From Her?

My introduction to Dora Marquez over the previous decade has been thankfully unpredictable. She's the little Latina young Nina with a rucksack and a monkey companion named Boots, correct? She goes Bonaventura's fantastica’s which means the fantastic journey for good fortune, and tosses in a couple of Spanish words all over there yet nothing that might imperil reasonable exchange or irritate the English-just group. What I do know is that she offers a couple of billion dollars' worth of toys, books, DVDs and garments consistently, and she's on TV and online Dora games everywhere throughout the planet and also on the virtual world. The again to-class industry alone owes her big-time.

A discoverer show in the domain of intuitive animated films for preschoolers, Dora the Explorer characters enroll the assistance of review children as Dora and her companions complete instructive undertakings. Youngsters accompanying in addition to Dora, Boots the Monkey, and others are asked to help the characters overcome restrictions on their method to completing the objective or undertaking of the show.

Children look into colors, numbers, shapes and all the more as they help Dora understand puzzles and riddles along the way which are also depicted in the Dora Puzzle Games. Frequently, a bolt clicks on right replies, so the activity resembles a workstation rodent has guided the shaft and picked the reply. Dora, a seven-year-old Latina brave girl, additionally tosses in Spanish words, and children are asked to rehash them or chime in with melodies fusing the words.

Dora the Explorer – Chapters and their Construction

Every scene of Dora the Explorer begins by setting up an issue to unravel or undertaking to finish. Normally, arriving at the objective includes voyaging some place, so Dora gets her knapsack and takes out her trusty guide. Guide layouts the excursion utilizing points of interest, and survey children are asked to help Dora recall the request by rehashing the names of the signs. To get more chances Dora adventure games are the best alternative for the kids and girls who love this cute little kiddo.

At every point of interest, Dora and her companions discover some instructive impediment to overcome or riddle to fathom. Dora works through the issue out noisy, and gives time for children to give the right reply as they watch. Dora likewise utilizes numerous Spanish words throughout each one show, and she regularly meets Spanish-talking characters at along her direction. The point when Dora and the group at last achieve their objective, they sing the "We Did It!" melody. Dora does a concise recap and asks seeing youngsters to let her know their top choice a piece of the escapade.

Dora the Explorer - Guide Analysis

Dora's ubiquity justifies itself the extent that the nature of the show and profundity of the characters. Dora the Explorer is telecast everywhere throughout the planet, is the most obvious evaluated show in numerous nations, and is a main 10 appraised show in about every real show showcase on the planet. Dora is distinguished and adored by children all around, and she has been a momentous impact in showing children about Spanish and providing for them attentiveness to society.

Ideal for preschoolers, the show offers an incredible parity of instruction and fun. Children have an extraordinary time viewing the beautiful, energized characters, and as they watch they advance considering solid data like shades, letters, and numbers. Additionally, as Dora sways children to take in and use Spanish words and expressions, they advance an investment in the dialect and in Latin society that opens the route to numerous showing chances for folks and instructors.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Kids Love To Play Games On Special Occasions

Occasion video games are a hit with people who keep on amusing their selves by the video games. These games are specially designed and created to be played on the special occasion like there are the games to be played on the baby shower ceremonies, in different parties and especially games for the kids to be played in the superior occasion of Christmas and their birthday parties to help them getting bunch of excitement and fun on these exceptional occasions.

In Christmas festival games Indeed Santa is joining in all the fun! You'll find Santa Truck is an extraordinary form of Car Games. It's an incredible occasional approach to have a fabulous time. All you need to do is help Santa burden the toys for all the excellent kids around the globe. Burden the toys onto the sled as quick as possible. Don't let time run out! It may appear to be simple right away thought, however you'll soon observe that it’s not precisely as simple as it shows up. You've got to hurry. Sync your response and increase your speed to win.

Get into the occasion soul with free truck parking games in parking games list. Playing the games about the big autos can help you to double the happiness on several occasions. For those kids who are very profound to have fun and enjoy the special occasions, big vehicle games is a great piece of entertainment for them. It is the best tool to keep the kids busy while their parents and other family members are busy in arrangements.